Tragedy struck as the infamous ‘Blue Whale’ suicide game resurfaced, leading to the murder of a 35-year-old British man in Portugal. The incident, which took place in a woodland area during a dispute with friends related to the game, has sparked concerns. The ‘Blue Whale’ game originated in Russia in 2015 and quickly spread across the internet.
It involves players, often teenagers, undertaking a series of 50 challenges over 50 days, beginning with relatively harmless tasks and progressing to self-harm and even suicide.
Players connect with anonymous individuals online who guide them through increasingly distressing scenarios, with the ultimate goal of pushing the player to commit suicide. Tragically, the game has been linked to deaths in various countries, including the United States, India, Egypt, and Ukraine.
Russian psychology student Philipp Budeikin, who claimed to have created the game, was convicted in 2017 for his involvement in 17 deaths.
Parents are being cautioned to remain vigilant about changes in their children’s behavior, such as withdrawal, unusual schedule changes, an interest in self-harming behavior, and fear of social media. While these signs could indicate various issues, it is essential for parents to monitor their children’s online activities and physical signs related to the ‘Blue Whale’ game.